Alternatively, drag the red root selector or press left/right arrow keys to change root/mode.
Check 'Lock Key to Scale Root' to lock the outer key rim to the root selector.
Key at Root:
Drag and turn the outer rim to change key.
Keyboard Notes:
Play using number keys for notes, q-p for sharps, and a-l for flats. [key repeat & sticky key settings may effect outcome/response.]
Construct Chords:
Add a Preset:
load options:
note: Loading a preset will append chords to the list. Remember to 'remove all' before loading a new preset. Select the 'key' check-box to load the key information, if any, stored with the preset.
Chord Constructors:
Absolute Chords:
Chord Root: Note Modifiers:
Load a preset chord progression or add a chord. Select a chord text and use chord construction buttons to construct/edit the chord.
Basic Chord Types Discovered:
Hover mouse on a discovered chord to visualize it.
Get State in URL:
Set the current state as URL fragment:
Save Data:
The following JSON data determines the drop-down menu items (the available scales, preset chord progressions and absolute chords) and how chords types are identified.
Relative Scales:
Chord Progressions:
Chord Types (for Absolute Chords and Chord Discovery):
Copyright (C) 2023 Subhrajit Bhattacharya. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.